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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Exploring Educational Tourists' Destination Selection Behavior Using the Extended S-O-R Model

Hassnah Wee, Alfian Thomas

Open access

The education industry is under increased competition due to the rapid expansion of new educational tourist destinations and higher education. This study utilized the stimulus-organism response (S-O-R) theory to examine the relationship between extrinsic motivation, emotions, cognitive image, and the destination choice of educational tourists. Destination image is a reliable indicator of destination selection behavior in many research contexts. However, in educational tourism, destination image's role as a mediator within the stimulus-organism response (S-O-R) hypothesis is limited. Therefore, the researchers chose the S-O-R theory as the foundational theory and modified the Mehrabian-Russell model as the conceptual framework for this study. An empirical evaluation of the theoretical framework was conducted using a survey of 208 international educational tourists who are residing in Malaysia. The Partial Least Squares method (PLS-SEM) was employed to analyze the obtained data. The results corroborated the adapted Mehrabian-Russell model of environmental psychology theory within the realm of educational tourism. The study revealed seven significant correlations among the four constructs: extrinsic motivation, emotion, cognitive image, and destination selection behavior. A comprehensive understanding of the significance of external motivation and the perception of a location in the selection process of educational tourism destinations has substantial implications for the Malaysian government's endeavors to establish itself as a preferred choice for international educational tourists in the global market. The outcome of this study benefits future researchers by expanding the theoretical nature of the S-O-R model in other study setting.

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(Thomas & Wee, 2024)
Thomas, A., & Wee, H. (2024). Exploring Educational Tourists’ Destination Selection Behavior Using the Extended S-O-R Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 566–579.