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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Refining Interview Protocol for Implementing Digital Entrepreneurship Education in Polytechnic’s Business Incubation Program

Nur Syahirah Rosli, Suhaida Abdul Kadir, Rahimah Jamaluddin, Enio Kang Mohd Sufian Kang

Open access

Integrating digital entrepreneurship education into business incubation programs is crucial for preparing students for the digital economy. Malaysian polytechnics have adopted these initiatives, but implementation varies widely across institutions. To address these inconsistencies, a structured interview protocol is needed for consistent and comprehensive data collection. This article employs the Institutional Isomorphism Theory (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983), Student Encouragement Entrepreneurship Incubation Model (Jansen et al., 2015), and New Venture Creation Theory (Gartner, 1985) as its theoretical foundation. It introduces the Semi-Structured Interview Protocol Development (SIPD) Framework from Castillo-Montoya (2016), which involves a four-phase process to refine interview protocols. The four phases involve: (1) aligning with research questions, (2) constructing an inquiry-based conversation, (3) receiving feedback on interview protocols, and (4) piloting the interview protocol. The SIPD Framework addresses entrepreneurial motivations, incubator management strategies, and pedagogical approaches in digital entrepreneurship education within Malaysian polytechnics' business incubation programs. By systematically refining the interview protocol, the framework ensures detailed and trustworthy data collection for multiple case studies. This framework can be instrumental for other policy makers, educators, and organizations aiming to standardize and enhance digital business education in higher education, particularly in technical and vocational education (TVET).

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