ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This study explores the relationship between principals' transformational leadership and teacher job satisfaction in private secondary schools in the Klang Valley. Surveying 265 teachers from 9 schools, findings reveal high perceptions of principals' transformational leadership, particularly in individualized consideration (average score: 4.34). Overall, principals score 4.30 across all leadership dimensions. Teacher job satisfaction is notably high (overall score: 4.31), with opportunities for advancement (4.42) and salary (4.35) rated most favorably. A strong positive correlation (Pearson coefficient = 0.647) confirms that higher leadership levels enhance teacher satisfaction. The study uses a questionnaire with demographic data, adapted from the MLQ for leadership assessment and the JDI for satisfaction measurement. Effective leadership, particularly in individualized consideration, significantly influences teacher satisfaction, highlighting implications for educational practice and suggesting avenues for future research.
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