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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

A Systematic Review of second language Learning Based on Metaverse

Yang Xiaodi, Melor Md Yunus, Karmila Rafiqah M. Rafiq, Wang Zheng

Open access

The metaverse represents an emerging technological frontier, and its integration with higher education is becoming increasingly close. By discussing second language learning in the context of the metaverse,this article helps to explore innovative educational paradigms and teaching methods for language acquisition using virtual environments.This article adopts the preferred reporting itemof systematic evaluation and meta-analysis(PRISMA) to review current research by searching two major databases,Scopus and Web of Science.Through a systematic search of "Second language learning" or "Second language acquisition" or "L2 learning" or "ESL learning" or "ESL" or "Bilingual education" or "Language acquisition" or "Language learning"or "Multilingualism" or "Language immersion" or "Language education" ) and ("Metaverse" or "Virtual reality" or "VR" or "Augmented reality" or "AR" or "Extended reality" or "XR" or "Virtual world" or "Cyberspace" or "Digital realm" or "Online universe" or "Immersive digital environment" or "Synthetic reality"or "Virtual space"?a total of 34 articles were found. Based on this ,this study selected several possible factors to understand learners' learning performance and level of participation in second language learning based on virtual environments. In addition, this article also explores the current situation and development of virtual reality technology used in language teaching at home and abroad, as well as the urgent issues and specific challenges in metaverse technology. Summarized the inspiration and guiding significance of foreign language teaching based on virtual reality technology for China.
Among the 34 articles, this study selected 12 empirical studies related to the metaverse, and elaborated on the research objectives and results of these articles, exploring the current situation and development of second language teaching based on virtual reality technology.In addition, this article also combines relevant research from a large number of Chinese literature to analyze the advantages and challenges of second language teaching based on virtual reality technology in China, and puts forward relevant suggestions.Research has found that domestic research is still in its infancy, with a focus on value exploration. Foreign studies have shown that language teaching based on virtual reality technology can improve students' learning enthusiasm, alleviate classroom anxiety, and help students apply theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom to practice.

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(Xiaodi et al., 2024)
Xiaodi, Y., Yunus, M. M., Rafiq, K. R. M., & Zheng, W. (2024). A Systematic Review of second language Learning Based on Metaverse. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1196–1213.