ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This study aims to develop a module as teaching material for the English language subject using virtual reality technology. The fuzzy Delphi method was utilized to design and develop this module. Five experts in the fields of English language and technology were selected as the study sample using expert sampling technique. Seven elements were proposed in this study for the purpose of designing and developing this module. These include module introduction, module objectives, module usage guidelines, virtual reality technology, general guidelines for CoSpaces Edu, guidelines for using virtual reality materials (CoSpaces Edu), and guidelines for developing VR technology materials (CoSpaces Edu). The seven proposed elements were agreed upon by the experts with a threshold value (d) of less than 0.2, expert agreement percentage on any item exceeding 75%, and fuzzy score > 0.500. Thus, the findings indicate that the seven proposed elements in module development were agreed upon by the experts. The utilization of the fuzzy Delphi method in designing and developing virtual reality technology modules for English language teaching has been validated through expert consensus. This approach ensures that the module meets the criteria set forth by experts in both language education and technology, suggesting its potential effectiveness in enhancing English language learning outcomes in elementary school settings.
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