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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Exploring The Teachers’ Organizational Commitment and Turnover in High School

Zou QiaLian, Aida Hanim Binti A.Hanid, Mohamed Yusoff Mohd Nor

Open access

Organizational commitment plays a vital role in determining the turnover rate of teachers within educational institutions. Teachers who possess a profound feeling of dedication to their organization are more inclined to stay in their current positions for longer durations. This dedication can be nurtured through numerous approaches, including offering chances for professional growth, acknowledging and incentivizing exceptional performance, and establishing an encouraging work atmosphere. Studies have shown that teachers who exhibit high levels of organizational commitment are less likely to leave their jobs, which leads to various benefits for schools, such as enhanced stability and continuity in the learning environment. On the other hand, when teachers have low levels of commitment to the institutions, it might result in a higher number of employees quitting, which subsequently leads to disturbances in the classroom setting and additional expenses associated with the recruitment and orientation of new teachers. This conceptual paper aims to discover the variables contributing to the turnover rate of teachers and explore the correlation between organizational commitment and turnover rates in high schools, based on a comprehensive evaluation of previous studies.

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(QiaLian et al., 2024)
QiaLian, Z., A.Hanid, A. H. B., & Nor, M. Y. M. (2024). Exploring The Teachers’ Organizational Commitment and Turnover in High School. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(3), 1534–1545.