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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

A Survey of Adolescent Mental Health in Tianjin: Factors and Differences

Zhang Xin Lu, Muhamad Nur Fariduddin

Open access

This study aims to gain insight into the mental health status of secondary school students in Tianjin and its relationship with socio-demographic factors. The multidimensional characteristics of secondary school students' mental health were comprehensively explored through the assessment of six dimensions: interpersonal tension and sensitivity, depression, anxiety, learning stress, maladjustment, and emotional instability. At the same time, the effects of factors such as school type (Focused vs. non-focused secondary schools), grade level, gender, parental education and occupation on students' mental health were examined to reveal the patterns and trends involved. The study used a random sample of four secondary schools in the Binhai New Area of Tianjin China to conduct an online questionnaire survey. The survey was conducted from August to September 2023 and 272 valid questionnaires were collected. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.956, and the KMO value was 0.949. A 5-point scale was used for each item, and the scores were averaged to arrive at the overall and each aspect of mental health status scores. Data will be analysed using Chi-Square test to test for differences in mental health across socio-demographic variables. The importance of the study is to provide educators, parents and policy makers with an important reference point to better support and promote the development of mental health among secondary school students. An in-depth understanding of the mental health status of secondary school students and the factors influencing it will help develop targeted mental health interventions to enhance the mental health and holistic development of adolescents.

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(Lu & Fariduddin, 2024)
Lu, Z. X., & Fariduddin, M. N. (2024). A Survey of Adolescent Mental Health in Tianjin: Factors and Differences. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1337–1351.