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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Knowledge-Sharing Practice in Malaysian Academic Libraries: A Mediating Role of Intention

Moussa Barry, Ahmed Barrie, Abubakarr Kuyateh

Open access

Academic libraries play a crucial role in higher education, offering access to knowledge and information for teaching, learning, and research. This study aims to determine the mediating and moderating roles of knowledge-sharing practices among librarians in five selected academic libraries in Malaysia. It also investigates the extent to which librarians participate in knowledge-sharing activities, such as collaborative projects, information dissemination, and user training. Additionally, the research investigates how these practices impact crucial outcomes, including staff satisfaction, library usage, and academic success. However, the study employs quantitative research, gathering 214 data through surveys administered to librarians and users in the Klang Valley. The study's conceptual framework integrates theories of knowledge sharing, organizational behavior, and library management. A structural equation modelling approach with Smart-PLS was employed to test the hypothesis. The findings revealed that intention fully mediates between attitude and knowledge-sharing, perceived behavioural control and knowledge-sharing, and subjective norms and knowledge-sharing. The findings also revealed that attitude fully mediates between trust-relation and intention. Additionally, the findings revealed that subjective norms fully mediate between corporate culture and intention. Hence, these findings not only enrich theoretical understanding but also offer practical implications for academic library management in Malaysia, bolstering library effectiveness, fostering collaboration, and promoting information dissemination in academic settings. These practical implications empower library managers and professionals to implement effective knowledge-sharing strategies, thus enhancing library performance and academic success.

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(Barry et al., 2024)
Barry, M., Barrie, A., & Kuyateh, A. (2024). Knowledge-Sharing Practice in Malaysian Academic Libraries: A Mediating Role of Intention. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1503–1524.