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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Applying Comics as Learning Tools: A Thematic Review

Yihan Huang, Ahmad Rizal Abdul Rahman, Mohd Faiz bin Yahaya

Open access

Comics can improve the experience of educating by making learning more attractive and accessibility. It is important to understand the relationship between comics and education, advancing theoretical knowledge and practical applications of educational research. The objective of this study was to conduct a thematic review on the utilization of comics in education from 2019 to 2023. By using ATLAS.ti 23, a thematic review was composed to examine 33 pertinent articles. Quantitative analysis revealed a growing academic interest in the field, while qualitative analysis identified five main themes: (1) the educational potential of comics, (2) multidisciplinary approaches, (3) science communication and public engagement, (4) promoting equity and inclusion, and (5) technology integration and comics creation. These themes highlight the effectiveness of comics in increasing student engagement, simplifying complex scientific concepts, and promoting educational equity. Although there are these encouraging findings, the study also points to the gaps in actual implementation and evaluation, emphasizing the need for further research. The conceptual framework provides guidance for future research and new direction for researchers and policymakers to utilize comics to promote more inclusive and innovative educational practices. This paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamic interaction between comics and education and provides a framework to guide the future research and practice.

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