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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Marxist Maverick: Perry Anderson's Heretical History and Scathing Social Dissections

Wang Zhi

Open access

This article explores the profound intellectual legacy and contributions of Perry Anderson, a leading figure in Marxist theory, history, and as the editor-in-chief of the New Left Review. Born in London in 1938, Anderson's scholarly journey encompasses diverse disciplines including political science, history, and literature, establishing him as a pivotal figure in contemporary Marxist thought. The study conducts a comprehensive historical review, focusing on Anderson’s seminal works such as "Considerations on Western Marxism," "The Origins of Postmodernity," and "The New Old World," situating them within the socio-political context of post-World War II Europe and the emergence of the New Left movement. Methodologically, employing a historical approach, the research examines Anderson’s critical interpretations of historical processes, socio-economic structures, and ideological formations. It elucidates how Anderson's writings challenge and extend traditional Marxist historiography, offering nuanced insights into the complexities of contemporary capitalism and its global ramifications. Major findings highlight the reception and impact of Anderson’s works, emphasizing their influence on Marxist scholarship and their resonance among global audiences, particularly in China. By documenting the interpretation and reception of Anderson’s works in China, the study underscores their international significance and cross-cultural relevance in understanding capitalist ideologies and societal structures. Furthermore, the article proposes avenues for future research, suggesting directions to explore Anderson’s ongoing relevance in contemporary socio-political challenges and advancing progressive perspectives in global intellectual discourse. Ultimately, this research contributes to a deeper appreciation of Anderson’s intellectual legacy, illuminating his enduring influence on Marxist theory and critical social analysis.

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(Zhi, 2024)
Zhi, W. (2024). Marxist Maverick: Perry Anderson’s Heretical History and Scathing Social Dissections. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1577–1586.