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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Unveiling the Nexus: Organizational Climate and Psychological Well-Being of Secondary School Teachers in Kuala Selangor

Puteri Farahdiana Megat Suhaimi, Arijah Abdullah, Az Athirah Zubairi, Fariha Diyana Awang Ali, Rashidin Idris

Open access

In this evolving education landscape, the role of secondary school teachers is highly demanding which can affect their psychological well-being. Therefore, maintaining teachers' psychological wellbeing depends on improving the organisational climate. This study aims to ascertain the association between Kuala Selangor secondary school teachers' psychological well-being and organisational climate. This study used a quantitative method, utilizing the Organizational Climate Index (OCI) and Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS). Using purposive sampling, the data was conducted among 199 secondary school teachers in Kuala Selangor. Using Spearman's rank correlation analysis, the study found a relationship between organisational climate and psychological well-being among secondary school teachers. As a result, secondary school teachers' psychological wellbeing is greatly impacted by their workplace culture. The findings also indicated that there were no noteworthy variations in the psychological well-being and organisational climate according to job experience or gender.

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(Suhaimi et al., 2024)
Suhaimi, P. F. M., Abdullah, A., Zubairi, A. A., Ali, F. D. A., & Idris, R. (2024). Unveiling the Nexus: Organizational Climate and Psychological Well-Being of Secondary School Teachers in Kuala Selangor. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 2350–2363.