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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Effectiveness of eCalculator in Enhancing Students' Comprehension in Calculus

Siti Mariam Saad, Siti Nurleena Abu Mansor, Ahmad Rashidi Azudi

Open access

Integrating technology into education can improve learning outcomes and teaching quality. For instance, the use of a scientific calculator, a type of educational technology, has been explored for its potential to enhance the teaching and learning of calculus. Since calculus is fundamental to fields such as science and engineering, possessing a strong mathematical and calculus foundation becomes essential for students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) study programs. To empower students in understanding calculus and solving problems related to differentiation and integration, an innovative tool, namely the eCALculator, has been developed. The eCALculator provides a comprehensive and accessible solution, guiding students in using a scientific calculator to learn calculus, especially in determining a function’s derivatives and integrals. This innovative tool has been presented in the form of a step-by-step e-manual, which is accessible via a flipbook and includes instructional videos on using a scientific calculator, along with exercises. The tool has been tested with 40 students enrolled in calculus courses at UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang. Results indicate that the use of the eCALculator manual has helped students improve their comprehension of fundamental calculus concepts and enhance their accuracy in solving calculus problems. This tool, particularly beneficial for students with lower achievements in mathematics, has the potential to boost motivation and interest in learning calculus.

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(Saad et al., 2024)
Saad, S. M., Mansor, S. N. A., & Azudi, A. R. (2024). The Effectiveness of eCalculator in Enhancing Students’ Comprehension in Calculus. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1754–1760.