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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Trainee Teachers at Sultan Idris University of Education Using Digital Media Technology

Ain Syafia Qutreenie Alwi, Ardzulyna Anal, Sakinah Salleh, Muhammad Fatkhurrozak Sokhipul Hadi , Dashwini Selvam

Open access

The purpose of this quantitative survey study is to evaluate how special education trainee teachers at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) use and are interested in digital media technologies. Using a questionnaire instrument, the study conducted a survey of 82 trainee teachers who had successfully completed the Teacher Apprentice Program, Teaching Training 1 and Teaching Training 2. A high mean interest score of 4.174% among respondents was found through analysis using SPSS 26.0, showing a great desire in employing digital media technologies. Additionally, with a mean score of 3.641%, respondents expressed positive attitudes on the use of digital media technologies in the classroom. The study also discovered a strong positive link between trainee instructors' use of digital media technology and interest in it (r = 0.625, p <.05). These results, which are grounded on constructivism theory, highlight how crucial it is to use digital media technology in 21st-century teaching and learning, especially for children who have specific educational needs. This study emphasizes how better digital media integration is required to maximize learning results for a diverse learner.

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(Alwi et al., 2024)
Alwi, A. S. Q., Anal, A., Salleh, S., Hadi, M. F. S., & Selvam, D. (2024). Trainee Teachers at Sultan Idris University of Education Using Digital Media Technology. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1793–1803.