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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

From Dorm to Podium: The Role of Engagement and Psychological Dynamics in Shaping Sports Performance Satisfaction in Boarding Schools

Maizatul ‘Akidah Abdul Manap, Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin, Zakiah Noordin

Open access

This study examines the connections between athlete participation, psychological variables, and satisfaction with sports performance among athletes in a boarding school. A survey was conducted using quantitative methodologies. We gathered data from 135 athletes who participate in the boarding school program and are between the ages of 13 and 18. A reliable questionnaire to assess their degree of engagement in sports, their psychological well-being, and their happiness with their sports performance. The quantitative data were examined using correlation and regression analyses. The findings suggest that increased levels of participation in sports are associated with higher levels of satisfaction with sports performance. Psychological variables, such as self-efficacy and stress, were substantial indicators of satisfaction. Age was found to be a moderating variable, indicating that older athletes exhibited a more intricate connection between psychological aspects and happiness. These findings indicate that customized psychological support and involvement tactics could improve sports satisfaction, which has implications for the creation of specific interventions in boarding school sporting programs. This study enhances our comprehension of the intricate elements that impact the sports experiences of young athletes. It also establishes a basis for maximizing the equilibrium between athletic and academic pursuits in the context of boarding school

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(Manap et al., 2024)
Manap, M. ‘Akidah A., Nazarudin, M. N., & Noordin, Z. (2024). From Dorm to Podium: The Role of Engagement and Psychological Dynamics in Shaping Sports Performance Satisfaction in Boarding Schools. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1864–1875.