ISSN: 2226-6348
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This paper discusses the effects of strike on the academic performance of business education students in Nigerian Universities. It also discussed the labour disputes and their settlement recorded strikes, 1960-77, academic staff union of universities history and struggles, the effects of academic staff union of universities strikes on business education students as well as possible remedy. This paper uses historical survey in evaluating the views of various scholars in an attempt to inform researchers, business educators, scholars on current reasoning on the issue of effects of strike on the academic performance of business education students in Nigerian Universities. Conclusion and recommendations such as a matter of policy the executives and legislators of both Federal and States should have their children in public universities in Nigeria, both federal and state governments should always respect the agreed negotiated agreement between them and the Academic staff Union of Universities to avoid incessant strike actions etc. were made.
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In-Text Citation: (Ohiwerei & Onimawo, 2016)
To Cite this Article: Ohiwerei, F. O., & Onimawo, J. A. (2016). Effects of Strike on the Academic Performance of Business Education Students in Nigerian Universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 5(3), 78–86.
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