ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The issue of truancy, which continues to be a significant problem in Malaysian schools, is an important problem that significantly impacts the academic performance and overall development of children. To solve this problem, finding solutions that are both creative and supported by data is essential. This study investigated the effectiveness, validity, and reliability of the Choice Theory Reality Therapy Group Guidance Module (MBKCTRT) in addressing chronic absenteeism in secondary schools in Malaysia. The research was conducted using a mixed-methods approach, including the participation of four hundred students. These students included administrators, guidance counselors, and members of both the experimental control group and the control group. Participants were requested to complete questionnaires that gave quantitative data before and after the intervention. On the other hand, respondents were invited to participate in interviews and focus groups to collect qualitative data. It was clear from the findings that the MBKCTRT has a high level of validity and reliability. The student participation rate (0.9 points higher on a 5-point scale) and the attendance rate (18.4% higher) were substantially greater in the experimental group. According to a thematic analysis of qualitative data, self-awareness, goal-setting, communication, and school belonging were the four categories in which students exhibited improvement. MBKCTRT has the potential to be an effective intervention for decreasing absenteeism and boosting holistic student development, according to the findings of the research, which, in turn, has significant implications for educational policy and practice in Malaysia.
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