ISSN: 2226-6348
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This study conducts an in-depth exploration of the complex and multifaceted factors that influence students' academic performance within the context of China’s educational system, placing a particular emphasis on the critical mediating role of student satisfaction. By employing a rigorous library research methodology, the article systematically synthesizes and integrates recent and relevant literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of how various factors—namely socioeconomic status, institutional quality, psychological well-being, and pedagogical practices—interact and intersect with student satisfaction to shape and influence academic outcomes. The research findings reveal that student satisfaction serves as a pivotal mediator, significantly modulating the impact of these diverse factors on students’ academic performance. This mediating role underscores the importance of student satisfaction in the educational process, suggesting that it is not merely a byproduct of good teaching practices or favorable conditions but a crucial element that directly contributes to academic success. The insights derived from this study offer valuable guidance for educators, school administrators, and policymakers, highlighting the need to prioritize and enhance student satisfaction as a strategic approach to improving academic achievement across diverse educational settings in China. The study ultimately advocates for educational reforms and practices that recognize the central role of student satisfaction in fostering an environment conducive to higher academic performance.
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(Qi & Masran, 2024)
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