ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have dramatically reshaped the educational landscape, making high-quality learning accessible and flexible for a global audience, and democratizing education in unprecedented ways. However, despite the widespread adoption of MOOCs and their potential to revolutionize learning, sustaining student engagement and ensuring continued participation remain formidable challenges. High dropout rates and low course completion are persistent issues that undermine the efficacy of these platforms. This study addresses these challenges by employing a comprehensive literature review methodology, meticulously analyzing recent academic publications, particularly those from 2020 onwards, to uncover the key factors that influence students' continued intention to engage with MOOCs. The research identifies and synthesizes a range of critical determinants, including technological usability, pedagogical approaches, psychological motivations, and demographic influences, each playing a pivotal role in shaping sustained student engagement. The findings from this study offer a deep and nuanced understanding of the intricate elements that contribute to student retention in MOOCs, providing valuable insights and actionable strategies for educators, MOOC platform developers, and policymakers. These insights are aimed at enhancing the design and implementation of MOOCs to improve learner retention, success rates, and overall effectiveness, thereby fulfilling the promise of MOOCs as a transformative educational tool.
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(Qi & Masran, 2024)
Qi, Z., & Masran, M. N. Bin. (2024). Factors Influencing Students’ Continued Intention towards MOOCs: A Comprehensive Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 2966–2976.
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