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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Innovative Design of Lanjiefu Cultural and Creative Products in the Context of Cross-border Integration

Wang Lulu, Dahlan Bin Abdul Ghani, Liu Ze-lin

Open access

By eliminating the boundaries between disciplines, industries and cultural fields, the cross-border integration mode promotes the comprehensive application of knowledge and skills and stimulates innovative thinking. Particularly in the field of packaging design for cultural and creative products, this mode promotes the combination of multiple perspectives and innovative thinking, making the design works both characterised by regional culture and rich in aesthetic value. In terms of expression, cross-border integration combines regional culture, traditional aesthetics and modern concepts, using digital technology to create an immersive experience, reinterpreting classical art elements with modern methods, and focusing on the combination of green and art. This model not only expands the scope of cultural and creative products, but also enhances the market competitiveness and cultural heritage value of cultural and creative design through the synergy effect of "1+1>2". Taking Lanjiefu culture as an example, as a characteristic folklore activity in Wenzhou, its transformation from tradition to modernity reflects the practical value of cross-border integration in cultural and creative design, and becomes a bridge connecting tradition and modernity, and the local and the world, which has a far-reaching impact on promoting cultural exchanges and enhancing cultural self-confidence.

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