ISSN: 2226-6348
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This paper presents a conceptual review exploring the intricate relationship between professional identity and retention intention among foreign university teachers in China. Drawing upon a range of scholarly literature, the review examines how cultural integration, professional development, and institutional support shape the experiences and career trajectories of these educators within the Chinese higher education landscape. Subsequent discussions highlight the nuanced nature of retention intention, influenced by professional belonging, job satisfaction, and the capacity to harmonize one's professional identity with the cultural context. The findings reveals that successful cultural and professional integration enhances job satisfaction and retention intention, while challenges in these areas can lead to attrition. The conclusion underscores the need for educational institutions to foster supportive environments that promote the professional growth and well-being of foreign university teachers.the paper contributes to the understanding of factors influencing foreign university teachers' professional identity and retention intention in China, offering insights for policymakers and institutional leaders seeking to improve the recruitment and retention of international teaching staff. The paper argues that such environments are essential not only for the retention of these educators but also for the broader success of the educational system. Overall,
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