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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Factors of Student Dimensions in Influencing E-Learning Student Satisfaction

Yanghong Hou, Yoke Seng Wong

Open access

E-learning has become an integral part of the educational landscape, offering flexible and accessible learning opportunities to students worldwide. However, achieving high levels of student satisfaction in e-learning remains a challenge due to the unique nature of online education. This study investigates the factors influencing e-learning student satisfaction, focusing on key student dimensions such as self-efficacy, learning motivation, technological readiness, and interaction preferences. Utilizing a library research methodology, the study systematically reviews recent literature to identify how these dimensions impact student satisfaction. The findings reveal that high levels of self-efficacy, strong intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, adequate technological readiness, and a preference for meaningful interactions significantly enhance e-learning satisfaction. By integrating Social Cognitive Theory and Expectancy-Value Theory, this research provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the role of student dimensions in e-learning. The study offers practical recommendations for educators and e-learning platform developers to improve online education quality, emphasizing the importance of addressing diverse student needs and preferences to foster a more engaging and satisfying learning experience.

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Hou, Y., & Wong, Y. S. (2024). The Factors of Student Dimensions in Influencing E-Learning Student Satisfaction. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(4), 142–148.