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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Utilization of Teaching Delivery Methods in the Flipped Classroom Correlates with the Writing Skills of Upper Secondary Students

Andrew Anak Emparan, Rozita Radhiah Said, Azhar Md. Sabil, Norzatulshima Kamaruddin

Open access

The Flipped Classroom (FC) approach is a form of active teaching that centers around student-centered technology. A qualitative study of a multiple-site case was conducted to explore the use of FC teaching delivery mediums in the teaching of writing by four Malay Language teachers of Fourth Grade, in two full boarding schools in Sarawak. The FC approach is significantly underutilized by teachers in the schools due to the lack of delivery guidelines, limited exposure to its implementation methods, insufficient digital devices in schools, and unreliable internet access. The study attempts to delineate the implementation process of this FC approach in teachers' writing instruction in the classroom. Qualitative research data was collected and analyzed through three sources: interviews, observations, and document analysis. Participants were purposefully sampled. The study found that all four participants used delivery mediums such as i) face-to-face discussions, ii) information exploration on selected websites (WhatsApp, Telegram, Google Meet, Webinars, Group chats, Google Classroom), iii) note-taking, and iv) the use of teaching aids. Each medium complements and strengthens teaching and learning activities. FC teaching requires students to search for information, explore self-learning or group learning. The activities provided are ultimately assessed by the teacher. FC has the potential to enhance teachers' teaching methods in the classroom, especially in teaching Malay Language writing skills. This study also brings a fresh perspective to the development of pedagogy in education, especially for language teachers. Further research on FC should be conducted to provide new insights and to familiarize educators with its strengths and advantages. Exposure and proficiency in handling FC by teachers have the potential to add value to the teaching and learning process of Malay Language Education in our country.

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Emparan, A. A., Said, R. R., Sabil, A. M., & Kamaruddin, N. (2024). The Utilization of Teaching Delivery Methods in the Flipped Classroom Correlates with the Writing Skills of Upper Secondary Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 3132–3147.