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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Mapping Global Networks: A Bibliometric Exploration of Mental Health Research Trends in Higher Education

Raja Mayang Delima Mohd Beta, Sarah Mardhiah Selamat, Asiah Ali, Aini Hayati Musa, Farrah Nadia Baharuddin, Purnomo M Antara

Open access

This paper presents a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of 214 high-Scopus-indexed papers aimed at exploring global collaborations and emerging trends in mental health research among higher education students. The main objectives were to identify the most prolific contributors at the country, institutional, and author levels, and to uncover collaborations between them. Additionally, the study sought to reveal key themes and emerging trends in mental health research through keyword and citation analysis. To achieve these objectives, the methods included data collection from high-Scopus-indexed papers, extraction of relevant bibliographic information, and analysis of author affiliations, citation patterns, and keyword frequencies. The results of the analysis highlighted prominent countries, institutions, and authors contributing to mental health research in higher education, as well as collaborative networks between them. Furthermore, key themes such as risk factors, interventions, and academic impacts emerged from the keyword and citation analysis. In conclusion, this research provides valuable insights into the current state and trajectory of mental health research in higher education, offering guidance for future research endeavors and intervention strategies. The findings underscore the importance of interdisciplinary collaborations and targeted interventions to address the complex challenges of mental health among higher education students.

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