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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Impact of Teacher’s Professional Development Programme on Students’ Performance in Secondary Schools

Harnani Mohamed, Joys Arulprasam, Mohd Al Mahdi Hussain

Open access

Teacher’s professional development is essential for improving their skills, knowledge, and attitudes, which directly influence students' academic performance. Despite its importance, some stakeholders underestimate the value of these programs, leading to issues such as limited teacher participation and a lack of alignment with classroom practices. This study investigates the relationship between teachers’ professional development programs and students’ performance in secondary schools in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. Using a quantitative approach, data were collected through closed-ended questionnaires from 137 randomly selected secondary school teachers. The analysis showed a strong positive correlation between teachers’ engagement in professional development and students’ academic outcomes. The findings suggest that well-designed professional development programs significantly enhance student performance, highlighting the need for high-quality initiatives that are closely linked to classroom practices. This study emphasizes the importance of professional development in supporting teachers’ ongoing growth and student success. It recommends further research to explore the long-term effects of various professional development types and their direct application in classroom settings. These insights can guide educational policymakers in designing more effective, practice-oriented programs that foster both teacher professionalism and improved student outcomes.

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