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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Local Culture in Improving Student Character Building

Herlina , Hadriana , Shakila Che Dahalan

Open access

Student character building is an important aspect in education that aims to form a generation that has morals, ethics, and integrity. One effective approach in forming student character is through the use of culture. Culture includes local educational values, traditions, and norms, can be used as a means of character education that is relevant to the student's environment. Culture greatly influences student behavior and is used as a basis for character formation for all students. In addition, these issues are also discussed. Furthermore, models related to culture and character are detailed. Literature reviews are also discussed and used as a reserve in this discussion. This discussion aims to explore the role of local culture in improving student character education. Through the integration of culture into the curriculum and extracurricular activities, students are expected to be able to better understand and apply the values adopted by the surrounding education. That the introduction of culture in education can increase a sense of responsibility, social concern, and respect for others. In addition, culture also helps students recognize their identity and foster a sense of pride in their cultural heritage. Thus, local culture has great potential in enriching the character education process in schools.

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Herlina, Hadriana, & Dahalan, S. C. (2024). Local Culture in Improving Student Character Building. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 5159–5167.