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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Challenges of Online Learning among Autism Students During COVID-19 Pandemic: Teacher’s Perspectives

Rabiha Maya Adiera Binti Ab Rahim, Noor Nadhirah Binti Rossli, May May Grace Derioh

Open access

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted educational systems globally, necessitating a swift transition to online learning formats. This abrupt shift posed unique challenges for students with special needs, their families, and educators, particularly in addressing the diverse requirements of students with autism. This study aims to ensure that the needs of each category of students are prioritized by offering strategic guidance and support, with a specific focus on autism spectrum students. Through qualitative research methods, including narrative descriptive analysis, this study explores the perspectives of teachers on the challenges faced by autism students during online learning amidst the pandemic. Key areas examined include the impact of the learning environment, behaviours related to hyperactivity and inattentiveness, the role of parental involvement, and technical difficulties like network connectivity. The findings highlight critical issues and offer insights for improving support systems for autism students in virtual learning settings.

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