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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Intersecting Inequalities and Energy Justice: A Literature Review

Khaleel Abdulrahman Sulaiman Khaleel, Malini Ganapathy

Open access

Justice is crucial in promoting global decarbonization, as technological innovations can exacerbate existing inequalities and contribute to environmental degradation. Energy justice addresses these imbalances, guided by moral fairness and ethical responsibility. Feminist, Indigenous, anti-racist, and postcolonial perspectives critique traditional justice frameworks. However, a substantial portion of the existing academic literature fails to adequately consider the complex intersections of gender, Indigeneity, race, and other dimensions of inequality. To explore this subject in depth, the research methodology incorporates a literature review methodology to identify and synthesise relevant academic works from diverse fields, including gender studies, Indigenous scholarship, critical race theory, and postcolonial critiques. This review spans foundational and contemporary contributions to energy justice, focusing on works published within the past two decades. The process involves a comprehensive search across academic databases and a thematic analysis of selected sources to highlight key trends and gaps. By integrating these diverse perspectives, this study will provide valuable knowledge for guiding future endeavours in the realm of energy justice study and application.

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