ISSN: 2226-6348
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Similarly, children with autism also need to learn the proper way to perform wudu because it has various benefits. As is known, autism is a developmental disorder that affects children's mental growth, causing issues with communication, social interaction, and behaviour. Children with this disorder face challenges in understanding and actively participating in religious activities. Although they are exempt from religious obligations such as prayer, they should still be given the opportunity to learn about religious practices. In Islam, wudu is one of the obligatory steps ordained by Allah (SWT) to ensure that the prayers performed by Muslims are considered valid. However, learning wudu is difficult for them due to their challenges in reading and understanding religious texts, along with the lack of suitable teaching tools for their condition. This situation can hinder their understanding and involvement in religious practices as a whole. Therefore, this research aims to develop a practical learning video to visualize the steps of wudu for children with autism. The goal is to enhance their understanding of religious practices and help them participate in prayer. This study is qualitative in nature and uses the DDR design method to plan and develop a practical video for the teaching and learning process of wudu. The results of this study show the effectiveness of using practical video resources in helping children with autism learn about religious practices, especially wudu.
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