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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Digital Technology Approach in Mathematics Education: A Systematic Review

Nor Aisyah Saat, Ahmad Fazril Alias, Muhammad Zaki Saat

Open access

Integrating of digital tools in teaching and learning mathematics has transformed traditional teaching methods. This research involved a systematic review of literature of studies involving the use of digital technology in mathematics education context, focusing on the types of digital tools for teaching mathematics and their effects. Specifically, the review was referring to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines that manage to identify recent articles on two databases (Scopus and ERIC) by following specific inclusion criteria. Based on the analysis, 13 articles published after 2022 have been identified and met the requirement of integrating digital tools in classroom including game-based applications. The findings of the content analysis suggest that students learning outcome, problem-solving skills, engagement and exploration can be improved with the help of digital tools. Overall, the above findings give a deeper comprehension of digital technology and its potential that can influence the process of teaching and learning in mathematics education.

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