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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Systematic Literature Review: Exploring the Role of Hope among Gifted Students in Malaysia

Raja Nur Ashraf Raja Ariff, Nur Aimi Nasuha Burhanuddin, Nor Aniza Ahmad

Open access

This systematic literature review synthesizes research on the role of hope in gifted students in Malaysia. By reviewing 25 studies published between 2016 and 2024, this review aims to highlight the impact of hope on academic achievement, psychological well-being, and social adjustment in this unique population. The studies show that hope is positively associated with higher academic motivation and success, better emotional resilience, and enhanced social relationships among gifted students. However, variations in definitions and measurements of hope, along with diverse study designs, underscore the need for more standardized research methodologies. The findings suggest that fostering hope can be beneficial in educational settings, offering implications for educators and policymakers in Malaysia. Future research should aim to standardize hope measurements, utilize longitudinal designs, and conduct randomized controlled trials to further explore the long-term impacts of hope on gifted students. The review provides a comprehensive overview of current evidence, highlighting the importance of hope in the development of gifted students and suggesting potential interventions to enhance hope within the educational framework. The implications for practice and recommendations for future research offer a roadmap for advancing our understanding of hope's role in the academic and personal lives of gifted students in Malaysia.

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Ariff, R. N. A. R., Burhanuddin, N. A. N., & Ahmad, N. A. (2024). Systematic Literature Review: Exploring the Role of Hope among Gifted Students in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(4), 241–252.