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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Path of General Skills Cultivation in Art Courses for Preschool Education Majors in Colleges and Universities-Based on NCA and FSQCA Methods

Tao Zhengwei, Zhao Junchao

Open access

This research delves into the enhancement of generic skills among preschool education majors through art courses, with the ultimate goal of informing and guiding future curriculum improvements. Utilizing the Comprehensive Evaluation Questionnaire (CEQ) model, it integrates Narrative Configurational Analysis (NCA) and fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to pinpoint essential conditions and optimal combinations for skill development. Key aspects like teaching quality, course objectives, workload balance, and grading standards were scrutinized. A survey of early childhood education students in China garnered 235 valid responses, which were analyzed to uncover pivotal influences and causal links in skill cultivation, highlighting the paramount importance of teaching quality in nurturing generic skills.

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