ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The educational activities under the Community Service Unit, Human Development Division, Terengganu Islamic Foundation are running with encouraging reception from the community. A study was conducted to analyze the achievements in teaching and learning, community acceptance and value changes, as well as the effectiveness of the community service implementation through five educational programs. The study was carried out using a mixed-method research approach, incorporating a survey and data analysis. For the purpose of this article, it serves as a review of the study. The general findings from the 292 survey respondents across 8 districts show that 45% of participants are in the Adult Quran Learning Class, while 31% are in the Children's Quran Learning Class, with the remainder spread across the other three programs. Interview results indicated that both the Adult and Children's Quran Learning Classes were highly satisfactory and well received. Meanwhile, the Adult Religious Learning Class has managed to sustain itself in active locations. In conclusion, the study suggests that there is potential to develop a more systematic and modular (syllabus-based) Quran learning model.
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