ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The integration of the digital methodologies into primary education, i.e. 'Classroom Teaching and Learning' (PdPc) has gained an ever increasing importance in the scenario where is the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). This Special Literature Review (SLR) considers the deployment of digital approaches in PdPc, describing the contributions made by this to increasing student engagement, improving learning outcomes and to addressing diverse learning needs. Despite these challenges, lack of access to digital devices, poor connectivity to the internet, poor teacher training and poor reflex to change in traditional teaching methods pose some problems with effective integration. The review underlines the need for professional development of educators, an investment in infrastructure and supportive policies from administration in order to overcome those obstacles. Through these efforts can we transform digital approaches into opportunities to make learning more engaging and less dependent on traditional standardized approaches, and can we make learning more personalized and yet scalable.There is still much work to be done to develop specific strategies and tools that will help teachers and students in their digital transition.
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