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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Cultural Sensitivity in the Implementation of Integrated Special Education Programs in Chinese National Type Schools: An Analysis

Zulhafizsyam Bin Zulkifli, Ardzulyna Binti Anal, Izazol Binti Idris, Roslita Binti Ramli

Open access

This study explores the role of cultural sensitivity in implementing Integrated Special Education Programs (PPKI) in Chinese National Type Schools (SJKC) in Malaysia. Using a qualitative approach, this case study involved in-depth interviews with seven special education teachers in SJKC. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, and inter-rater reliability was measured using Cohen's Kappa statistic. Key findings highlight the significance of Mandarin language usage and integration of Confucian values in teaching, as well as challenges in balancing universal special education needs with cultural identity preservation. Culturally sensitive approaches were found to enhance program acceptance by the school community, student engagement, and family support. The study concludes that cultural sensitivity is a vital component in special education at SJKC and suggests developing more culturally responsive curricula and assessment methods. Implications for educational policies and teacher training are also discussed.

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Zulkifli, Z. Bin, Anal, A. B., Idris, I. B., & Ramli, R. B. (2025). Cultural Sensitivity in the Implementation of Integrated Special Education Programs in Chinese National Type Schools: An Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 14(1), 235–245.