ISSN: 2226-6348
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This research explores the challenges and opportunities surrounding the delivery of sex education in Malaysia, focusing on teacher competencies and the adaptation of the curriculum to enhance its effectiveness. Despite the inclusion of sex education in the national curriculum, its implementation faces significant barriers, including insufficient teacher training, cultural sensitivities, and the need for curriculum reform to address contemporary issues in sexual health. The study aims to identify the core competencies required by teachers to effectively deliver sex education, examine the challenges they face, and assess how the current curriculum can be adapted to better suit the diverse cultural context of Malaysia. Using a quantitative research design, surveys and focus groups will be employed to gather data from teachers across primary and secondary schools. The research will also analyze curriculum guides and teacher training materials to identify gaps and propose improvements. The findings are expected to inform education policy and practice by providing recommendations for teacher training programs, curriculum adaptation, and strategies to overcome societal and cultural barriers to effective sex education. This study will contribute to the broader discourse on enhancing sexual health education in Malaysia and other multicultural societies, promoting better health outcomes, and fostering a more informed, respectful approach to sexuality among students.
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