ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This study looks at how students view the Quillbot app as a resource for enhancing their academic writing. The main objective is to evaluate how Quillbot's features help students improve their vocabulary, grammar, and writing abilities while also lowering their writing anxiety. 204 university students, ranging in educational level from diploma to post-doctoral, from public and private universities in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain participated in the study. A quantitative survey was used to gather the data, which was then subjected to descriptive statistics, T-tests, and ANOVA analysis. According to the findings, Quillbot was deemed user-friendly by most students, as seen by their mean accessibility score of 4.088. With a mean score of 4.044, Quillbot also assisted in enhancing writing productivity and results while lowering writing anxiety (4.014). Students said Quillbot's organizing and grammar capabilities enhanced the quality of their work (3.936). Perceptions depending on gender, region, or kind of institution did not differ significantly. By showcasing Quillbot’s ability to enhance academic writing abilities and lessen writing anxiety, this study contributes to the conversation on sustainable digital innovation in education. It highlights how the tool promotes efficient and equitable learning, meeting the demands of contemporary education. The results provide insightful information for incorporating AI-powered solutions into environmentally friendly teaching methods.
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