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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Factors Influencing the Development of Holistic Resilient Leadership among University Students: Readiness for Malaysian Future Leaders

Nurul Dayana Mohd Rizal, Salma Wael Marzouk Abouelsoud Hashem, Ahmad Firdhaus Arham, Mohd Suzeren Md. Jamil , Norinsan Kamil Othman

Open access

This paper explores the factors influencing the development of holistic and resilient leadership on the part of university students in Malaysia, with an emphasis on their readiness to become future leaders. As the world faces increasingly complex challenges, Malaysian universities are pivotal in providing students with leadership qualities beyond cognitive and technical skills. The study highlights how holistic leadership, which integrates emotional, ethical, intellectual, and social dimensions, equips students to adapt to diverse leadership environments. Resilience, a key leadership trait, is essential for overcoming adversity and navigating the uncertainties of today’s volatile landscape. Drawing on leadership development theories and real-world examples from Malaysian universities, the paper examines how programs focusing on emotional intelligence, adaptability, and transformational leadership are crucial in shaping future leaders. It also identifies key elements such as mentorship, experiential learning, and external support systems significantly contributing to students’ leadership readiness. Furthermore, the research addresses the importance of cultural and contextual factors in developing leadership capabilities, particularly in Malaysia’s diverse socio-cultural environment. The findings suggest that universities must integrate holistic leadership frameworks into their educational curricula to better prepare students for future leadership roles. By fostering resilience, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making, such programs can ensure that Malaysia’s future leaders are well-equipped to drive national development, foster innovation, and address socio-economic disparities in an increasingly dynamic global context.

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