ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The role of parents is crucial in shaping children’s reading practices, especially at home, to ensure the continuity of learning from school. This study aims to understand the role of parents in fostering preschool children’s reading practices by assessing the level of reading practices, identifying factors influencing its effectiveness, and proposing improvements. The research employs a survey design with a quantitative approach, using a questionnaire adapted from previous studies. The questionnaire was distributed online via the Google Form platform. A simple random sampling technique was used, involving a sample of 585 respondents comprising parents of 6-year-old Malay students in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. The sample sized was determined based on Krejcie and Morgan’s (1970) table for sample size determination. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software to obtain mean values, standard deviations, frequencies and percentages. The findings indicate that reading practices are at a moderate level, with parental involvement recoding the highest achievement, while the type of reading activities at home is the lowest. The study highlights that parent’s involvement in reading activities with children plays a critical role in enhancing reading skills. Furthermore, the diversity of reading materials helps to cultivate an interest in reading and expands children’s vocabulary. However, challenges such as time constraints and cost require creative solutions, including utilizing free materials form libraries or digital sources. The study’s implications suggests that home literacy programs should be strengthened through awareness campaigns aimed at parents, emphasizing the importance of their involvement in reading activities. In conclusion, the active role of parents in engagement and the provision of reading materials is essential for improving preschool children’s reading skills.
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