ISSN: 2226-6348
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Boarding middle school students often encounter numerous challenges that can contribute to their school maladjustment. This study seeks to explore the intermediary influence of parent-child and peer relationships on the connection between perceived stress and school adjustment among Chinese boarding middle school students. Using a multi-stage cluster sampling method, involving a sample of 818 Chinese boarding junior high school students. Various questionnaires, including the Chinese Perceived Stress Scale, the School Attitudes Scale, the Friendship Quality Scale, and the Closenessto Parents Scale were used to collect data on perceived stress, school adjustment, and relationships with parents and peers. Smart-pls 3.2.9 was utilized for data analysis. The results demonstrate a significant negative impact of perceived stress on the school adjustment of boarding junior high school students. Moreover, the findings underscore the crucial mediating role played by parent-child and peer relationships in connecting perceived stress and school adjustment within this specific student population. By elucidating these mediating mechanisms, this study contributes to the growing literature on adolescent school adjustment and provides valuable implications for educators, policymakers, and mental health professionals seeking to enhance the well-being of boarding students.
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