ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This study evaluates teachers' preparedness for implementing Individual Education Programs (IEPs) to enhance academic performance of students with special needs in Schools in Hospital (SDH). Previous research indicates that while teachers recognize the importance of IEPs, they see a need for further training and preparation. The narrative review examines how IEP implementation constructs collaborative practice and professional involvement in teaching, as well as improvements in education policy. Thematic analysis was used to identify recurrent themes in teacher interviews. The findings aim to identify best practices for IEP design and implementation in Malaysian SDH, potentially leading to more effective educational interventions for students with special needs receiving hospital-based schooling. Key areas explored include the teacher’s preparedness and how IEPs are implemented in the SDH context. This research addresses an important gap, as studies on IEP implementation in Malaysian SDH settings are limited. The results can provide valuable insights to encourage stakeholder support for IEP programs and develop strategies to help hospitalized students continue their education effectively.
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