ISSN: 2226-6348
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Starting from the background of China's education reform, this study explores the development and practice of teacher leadership. With the deepening of education reform, teachers have gradually changed from the knowledge transmitters in the classroom to the core promoters of school development and assume more leadership responsibilities. This paper analyzes the specific requirements of the current education reform on teacher leadership, and expounds the concept connotation, development path and practical significance of teacher leadership combined with domestic and foreign literature. It is pointed out that teacher leadership plays an important role in promoting curriculum reform, enhancing student development and optimizing school management. However, its development still faces challenges such as insufficient policy support, limited training resources and insufficient teacher awareness. Finally, in the context of continuous educational reform, it is necessary to further promote the development of teacher leadership from the aspects of system construction, training support and cultural shaping, so as to meet the needs of modern education.
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