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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

A Survey on the Engagement of Chinese Broadcasting and Hosting Universities Students Using Flipped Classroom for Mandarin Speaking Learning

Li Meijing, Nurhasmiza Sazalli

Open access

One of the requirements for Chinese broadcasting and hosting students is to have a standard Mandarin speaking , and affected by the COVID-19, Chinese universities offering broadcasting and hosting majors have been using the flipped classroom to teach Mandarin speaking since 2020. The purpose of this study was to assess the engagement of Chinese university students majoring in broadcasting and hosting who use this method to learn Mandarin speaking, exploring four dimensions of student engagement in using the flipped classroom for Mandarin speaking courses: behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and agentic. This study used quantitative research to derive the engagement of 151 universities students majoring in broadcasting and hosting at Shanxi Communication University in China by administering a questionnaire to them to find out their engagement in the flipped classroom. The results of the study show that the engagement of Chinese universities students in utilizing the flipped classroom for Mandarin speaking learning is at a low level. According to the results of the data analysis, it can also be seen that there is a positive correlation between grades and engagement, the more engaged students are the better their grades are, and the less engaged students are the worse their grades are.

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