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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Cold Mix Asphalt as Permanent Road Resurfacing Solution: A Short Review Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7

Nur'aina Syamimi Nazri, Norfarah Nadia Ismail, Ekarizan Shaffie, Wan Nur Aifa Wan Azahar

Open access

Surface damage to pavement is frequently caused by elements including traffic volume, moisture content, and problems with the state of the pavement, such as potholes, ravelling, or permanent deformation. Potholes are a prevalent issue on paved surfaces that, if ignored, can weaken the pavement and cause damage to the underlying materials, which can lead to wear and fracture from the affected asphalt surface's lack of support. This study aimed to conduct a comprehensive review of the potential of Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA) as a sustainable, environmentally friendly, and economically advantageous solution for permanent road resurfacing. The research consolidated information from sources on Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science that focused on the use of CMA for resurfacing purposes. Furthermore, the analysis sought to evaluate the efforts to promote CMA as a more preferable choice for addressing road deterioration. Ultimately, this study aimed to ascertain whether CMA holds promise as a long-term solution for road resurfacing. This study also supports the SDG 7 objective to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy by promoting the usage of cold mix asphalt as an option for permanent road resurfacing. Surface damage to pavement, caused by factors such as high traffic volume, moisture content, and structural issues like potholes, ravelling, or permanent deformation, remains a significant challenge for infrastructure maintenance. Among these issues, potholes are particularly pervasive and, if neglected, can compromise the pavement's integrity, leading to further deterioration of the underlying materials and escalating repair costs. Addressing these problems requires innovative and sustainable solutions that balance environmental and economic considerations.

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