ISSN: 2226-6348
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Task-based language teaching (TBLT) has gained attraction as an effective approach for teaching vocational vocabulary in higher vocational colleges. This paper examines the strengths and limitations of TBLT in this context. TBLT's strengths lie in its student-centered methodology, which promotes meaningful interactions and student ownership through real-world tasks, enhancing motivation and language proficiency. However, limitations include the time-consuming nature of lesson preparation, high demands on teachers' abilities, and potential learner anxiety due to real-world communication pressures. To address these, strategies such as efficient task preparation, teacher professional development, and anxiety alleviation techniques are suggested. Future research should explore TBLT's long-term impact on vocabulary retention, tailored assessment strategies, and technology integration in task design. By leveraging TBLT's strengths and addressing its limitations, educators can better equip students with the vocational vocabulary needed for success in the global job market.
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