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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Evaluating the Difficulties in Programming Learning: Insights from Polytechnic Students

Zuraihah Ngadengon, Tamil Selvan Subramaniam, Zurina Yasak, Noor Azmiza Ideris, Zuraidah Mohd Ramly

Open access

This study explores the challenges and perspectives of students learning programming at a Malaysian polytechnic. The study seeks to analyze students's understanding of Problem Solving and Program Design (PSPD), the factors that contribute to poor performance in the course and the influence learning environments have on how well they perform. We surveyed 236 students to obtain their demographic data and knowledge, skills, and attitudes toward programming education. The above shows that control structure topics were identified as problematic among students. Moreover, the study identifies a few challenges, including designing algorithms, debugging, and understanding programming syntax. The results also indicate that students favor more hands-on, applications-oriented approaches to the learning process, such as group discussion, pair programming, and laboratory work, rather than didactic lecture-based approaches. Consequently, the results from the study further revealed that students' reactions to computational thinking modules are' positive, which allows students to enhance their problem-solving and program design abilities. Seeing these outcomes indicates that some teaching methods, such as stress learning in pairs through pair programming and incorporating computational thinking, should be encouraged to improve the outcome of programming education. The exploration presents evidence-based strategies that lecturers can embed in their teaching to help alleviate students' struggles and understanding of programming principles.

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