ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
English language education reform in Malaysia has moved forward in aligning the English language curriculum with Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to achieve English language education of international standards. It is found that studies on the implementation of CEFR-aligned curriculum and their relation to teaching and learning have been mostly conducted at primary and secondary education levels. There is surprisingly little research on the implementation of CEFR-aligned curriculum for preschool English language Teaching (ELT) context. Furthermore, preschool teachers’ low level of English proficiency and lack of confidence in using the language have been linked to the issue of whether preschool teachers are able to conduct the CEFR-aligned preschool English language curriculum accordingly. The other challenge for preschool teachers in the ELT context involves the need to alternate between languages in using English as instructional language. This research elucidates the implementation processes of CEFR-aligned preschool English language curriculum in preschool setting. Six informants who fulfilled the criteria of purposive sampling were involved in in-depth interview sessions. Document analysis of lesson plans and CEFR-aligned learning materials corroborated the findings of the study. The findings revealed four significant themes mainly; Abiding by Scheme of Work, Using Language Learning Activities and Materials, Employing Differentiation Strategies in the Preschool Classroom and Conducting Assessment for Pupils in the Preschool Classroom. It is recommended that further studies on the implementation of CEFR in the preschool ELT context are conducted to improve the current implementation of CEFR-aligned preschool English language curriculum.
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