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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Psychological Profiling of Table Tennis Players: A Comparative Study of Mental Toughness, Anxiety, and Concentration in Perak and Yinchuan

Zhao Xin Yue, Mon Redee Sut Txi, Norsilawati Bt Abdul Razak, Tang Tsiao Yin

Open access

This study explores the psychological profiles of table tennis players from Perak, Malaysia, and Yinchuan, China, focusing on mental toughness, anxiety, and concentration, which are critical for competitive success. A cross-sectional research design was employed, involving 60 state-level players (30 from each region) assessed using standardized instruments, including the Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ), the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 Revised (CSAI-2R), and the Concentration Grid Test (CGT). The findings revealed that Malaysian players scored slightly higher on mental toughness dimensions such as reboundability (M = 2.33, SD = 1.56 vs. M = 1.87, SD = 1.01) and concentration (M = 18.43, SD = 4.64 vs. M = 15.50, SD = 3.13), with a statistically significant difference in concentration levels (t(58) = -2.870, p < .01). Chinese players demonstrated greater consistency across psychological traits, as evidenced by smaller standard deviations. Anxiety patterns differed significantly, with Malaysian players exhibiting higher cognitive anxiety (M = 12.50, SD = 3.72 vs. M = 11.43, SD = 2.46), and Chinese players showing elevated somatic anxiety (M = 17.07, SD = 3.18 vs. M = 15.37, SD = 3.64), though these differences were not statistically significant. Correlation analysis revealed that cognitive anxiety negatively correlated with self-confidence among Malaysian players (r = -.570, p < .01) and somatic anxiety positively correlated with concentration among Chinese players (r = .604, p < .01). These results emphasize the importance of tailored psychological interventions and structured training regimens to address the specific needs of each group. This study offers valuable insights for coaches, sports scientists, and policymakers to optimize player development and performance, providing a foundation for further research on psychological dynamics in competitive sports.

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