ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This study aims to develop and sustain the Preschool Physical Readiness Assessment Instrument for Selangor (IPKFPs) to evaluate the physical readiness level of preschool students in Selangor, supporting the sustainability of early MADANI education. The study design adopts a quantitative approach, with data collection conducted using the IPKFPs and statistical analysis performed through descriptive and inferential methods using SPSS software. The findings indicate that the physical readiness level of students is at a very high level across most categories, with excellent motor skills (hands and fingers), with the highest mean values observed in activities such as kneading (4.91) and pinching (4.87). In the gross motor category (legs), activities such as running (4.75) and walking (4.73) recorded very high levels, while weaknesses were identified in skipping activities, with a mean value of 2.38. Overall, the level of physical development achieved an overall mean value of 4.44, reflecting a very high level of achievement. The IPKFPs have proven to be a holistic and effective assessment instrument, providing teachers with guidance to identify students' strengths and weaknesses and to plan more specific interventions. This study emphasizes the need for widespread implementation of the IPKFPs to enhance the quality of preschool education, which is in line with the aspirations of early MADANI education.
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