ISSN: 2226-6348
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This study aims to explore the challenges faced by vocational high school (VHS) English teachers in teaching spoken English. This study adopted a qualitative case study approach with the aim of exploring the challenges faced in teaching spoken English at a vocational high school in China. Through semi-structured interviews and non-participant classroom observations with six in-service teachers from a vocational high school in China. The participants were chosen based on their years of teaching experience, attendance of relevant professional development training, and professional background in related field. The study found that teachers had significant difficulties in teaching strategies, student needs analysis, and teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). First, in terms of teaching strategies, teachers generally faced the challenges of designing effective spoken interaction activities, stimulating students’ interest, and improving students’ spoken fluency. Secondly, teachers had difficulties in analyzing students’ needs, making it difficult for them to accurately grasp students’ language proficiency and motivation, which resulted in a disconnect between teaching content and students’ actual needs. Finally, teachers’ knowledge of PCK, especially in terms of specialized knowledge and pedagogy of spoken English teaching, showed a wide range of differences, which affected the improvement of teaching quality. The results of the study reveal areas for urgent improvement in the teaching of spoken English in vocational high schools and provide a reference basis for future pedagogical reforms.
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