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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Level of Implementation of Continuous Professional Development of Preschool Teachers in Classroom Management

Tan Jia Xin, Suziyani Mohamed

Open access

Teacher Professionalism Development refers to the Continuous Professional Development Plan as a complementary effort to enhance the professionalism of teachers and school leaders, aiming to improve their quality in empowering the teaching profession to meet the needs of preschool students. This study seeks to identify the level of implementation of continuous professional development among preschool teachers in classroom management. The study focuses on five dimensions: organizational support, changes in student learning outcomes, changes in teacher practices, teacher reactions and teacher learning. A quantitative survey design was employed in Jasin, Melaka, involving a sample of 48 government preschool teachers selected through simple random sampling using Krejcie and Morgan's sample size determination table. Data were collected through an online questionnaire adapted from previous studies, comprising 25 items on the implementation of professional development using a four-point Likert scale. Data were analyzed descriptively using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 27. Findings reveal that the implementation of continuous professional development is at a high level with organizational support and positive teacher reactions playing a key role. School management support, including the provision of resources, time and moral encouragement for teachers to attend programs is essential. This study highlights the importance of organizational commitment to improving teacher professionalism and educational quality. It emphasizes the need for collaboration among educational institutions to strengthen continuous professional development, ensuring more effective classroom management and improved student learning outcomes.

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